Tuesday, June 3, 2014

We aren't talking chicken pox!

We have shingles!  We aren't talking the poison ivy I've had for the last two months mistaken for old people chicken pox either......although that might explain why I itch so much, but that update should be in a different blog.  Anyway, we are talking about good old american made, grade 'A' roofing shingles.  The roofers started shingling today and the roof is almost done.  We are pretty happy to see how fast they put the shingles up on the roof.  Things are starting to get dried in, a few more pieces of plywood, a few rows of shingles and us shutting the windows is all that is left to prevent the inside of the house getting wet when it rains.  We are really looking forward to the day things will stay dry on the inside.
A little less then a week ago the house looked like this:

This morning before lunch the house looked like this:

And tonight, this is how it looks, just a bit more shingling at the top and it will be done: