Friday, May 30, 2014

Quick progress

Things have definitely made a jump today.  When Shane our general contractor cracks the whip a lot gets done.  The walls, roof and windows are in.  They are finishing up a few things, but the framers should be done this week.  It is amazing how fast everything fell into place.  One day we didn't have a roof, the next we have a roof and windows.  Now it is really looking like a house.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Want to swim in the new pool?

Well, we don't miss the swimming pool as much anymore.  After the rain today there was a 2 inch deep wading pool through the house.  It will be nice once the house has shingles and windows so we don't get so much water in the bedrooms, but until then we will get to wade through the house.  There hasn't been this much water on a floor since that damn tornado hit in Nov.  If we still had the pool rafts, we could float around a little in the house.  I hope I don't get to say that for too much longer.  I'm not sure what the basement looks like, and with all the mud I am not really gonna find out until the ground dries a little.  Here are a few pictures of the house with all the water.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Put a lid on it

Things seem to be moving a little faster now.  They put the trusses on yesterday and half the roof is done, or if you want to look at the other side of the coin we could say half the roof is not done.  Not sure if you are a glass is half empty or half full sort of person.....Either way, one side of the house is starting to look like a house and the other half shows some promise.  The hole in the back is so they can pass wood to each other through the hole.
Here is the back of the house.

Here is the front.  Hopefully it will not be topless too much longer. This is one instance where being topless is not a good thing.  :)

Monday, May 26, 2014

We've been Framed!

We haven't posted for a little while, but that hasn't been because we aren't excited about the house.  Things are just at a crawl, or seem to be and so there really hasn't been much to post about.  The framing on the inside of the house is started.  Here are some pictures of the inside of the house.

Here is the dance floor that the damn tornado left us.

Now, we are dead even with where we started.  Notice how much cleaner this picture is than the picture above, but we are still at the exact same place.  We have finally broke even with tornado day, no longer in the hole on the rebuild.

Here is a picture of the first few walls that are being put up.  You can see the garage and one side of the house walls.

Here is the hole we are throwing all of our money into....just kidding, this is the basement  :).  No stairs are in yet, just a hole for now.

Here is a shot of the master bedroom.

Here is Bretts room.

Here is the front door and Bretts room.

Here is the corner of the kitchen.  You can see the pantry and mudroom.

We have a few walls started, hopefully later this week we will have a few trusses and the house will be enclosed.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The beams are started

Things having been moving very slowly.  The floor is in and the beams are started.  Hopefully the rain will hold off long enough to get the subfloor done.  Take a look now as it looks big, I think once the walls are in things will shrink a bit.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

We hit the floor running at the end of the week

Well, it was a slow week.  The rain kept us from making much progress.  On Friday things picked up, and the concrete floor was poured for the basement and garage.  Think how much more would have been done if we didn't have rain for the first few days, I'll bet the whole house would have been almost completed  :).   We are extremely happy to see this progress this week considering the weather.

It is getting deep.

But I have faith in them smoothing things over.

A little bit more and all will be good.  Luckily the window was right there or they would have painted themselves into a corner.

Everything turned out great when all was done.