Monday, May 26, 2014

We've been Framed!

We haven't posted for a little while, but that hasn't been because we aren't excited about the house.  Things are just at a crawl, or seem to be and so there really hasn't been much to post about.  The framing on the inside of the house is started.  Here are some pictures of the inside of the house.

Here is the dance floor that the damn tornado left us.

Now, we are dead even with where we started.  Notice how much cleaner this picture is than the picture above, but we are still at the exact same place.  We have finally broke even with tornado day, no longer in the hole on the rebuild.

Here is a picture of the first few walls that are being put up.  You can see the garage and one side of the house walls.

Here is the hole we are throwing all of our money into....just kidding, this is the basement  :).  No stairs are in yet, just a hole for now.

Here is a shot of the master bedroom.

Here is Bretts room.

Here is the front door and Bretts room.

Here is the corner of the kitchen.  You can see the pantry and mudroom.

We have a few walls started, hopefully later this week we will have a few trusses and the house will be enclosed.

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