Here is the pile that they created today, finally some progress. The mess that we cleaned up from the damn tornado is starting to come back after all that time we spent cleaning. We are finally seeing some real progress.

Here is digger man and his sidekick hard at work. Michelle really needs to get their names, but they are doing an excellent job. She says they are really nice guys. They also mentioned that we should put in gravity drainage with a sump pump to back it up. This was a good idea and we are planning to do this.
Here is Michelle next to the excavator, she really wanted to drive it, but digger man was already gone. She said she was going to ask to drive it tomorrow. It isn't a Cat tractor, but I guess we will live with it as we want things to get done and so this might not be the best time to throw them off the property, The damn tornado is making us make sacrifices all over the place.
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