Monday, April 7, 2014

The old Driveway and Basement are removed

This has been a productive few weeks.  The basement and driveway are finally pulled out and the detached garage is almost built.  Things are moving along very nicely.  It wont be long and we will be mowing grass, I can hardly wait.......Just kidding, hopefully nature takes its time for the grass to start growing, but I hope everything else starts moving a bit faster.

Here is the hole where the basement used to be.  The guys at Turf Worx really did a great job pulling the driveway and foundation out.  They went over and above on the job and even pulled the fence posts from the broken fence out.

 Here is a larger picture of the old basement, as you can see the garage in the background.  We are still waiting on the garage door, but the special order will be here in two weeks.

We aren't feeling great about that damn tornado, but things are starting to look better.

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